
Echo Room (2017)
Ceramic, water, water pump
Ø 200 cm

I came up with the idea of using ceramics to reproduce debris from the fact that ceramics are made up of debris. The fabrication technology makes the porcelain stone hollow inside so that it can float on the surface of the water and make a sound with the impact of the current. This work attempts to change people’s understanding of the stone they are accustomed to and the conventional presentation of ceramics. And “sound” also shows the real collision incisively. Collision happens between every stone, in the quiet valley and even in the concept. I hope to show some invisible echo through my work. For viewers, no matter they are children, teenagers, adults who have never been interested in the so-called art, or even the elderly who have never been out of the mountain village in their life, they all have the same curiosity and feelings when the natural attributes they seem eternally immutable is broken this time. However, this unimpressive stone is common and people from all nations and regions have seen it. And this is also the universal life experience I want to explore.

Courtesy of the artist


























location: “Advance and retreat of globalization” MAIN EXHIBITION,Macao Museum of Art