
Gathering (2021)
4.0 x 3.0 x 2.4 m

The artwork "Gathering", with a lower visual horizon , sets the huge hands at an angle of view to look up, allowing the viewers to do so, too. From a perspective view looking upwards to the huge hands, the work combines figurative expression with surreal dimensions to create a mountain-like shape, allowing viewers to look up from a relatively low horizontal line of sight and feel the infinite space that extends out. During this process, viewers will find themselves in a non-secular spiritual world from the reverence generated by looking up to the images in the works. Through the transformation from two-dimension to three-dimension, a world of continuous fracture and reunion is unfolded in the dislocated modern time and space, and a real visual logic is stimulated by the individual artistic will.

In recent years, the artist's creation has expanded from flat media such as prints and oil paintings to the dimensions of image and space. In the process of expansion, I do not look at graphic works as just two-dimensional works, nor do I treat three-dimensional works as just sculptures. In the case of "Gathering", which is derived from the series of drawings "Portrait", I do not pursue how well a sculpture is made, nor do I pursue how good the professional language is, but I want to break the concept of profession and discipline or even the concept of field, and focus my perspective on the infinite nature of artistic language and the tension of thought, so as to present the uniqueness of my personal artistic language.

Courtesy of the artist

location: Public Art Exhibition, Art Plaza of Macao Cultural Centre