
Mixed media
Dimensions variable

Artwork Description:

The space of our life is neither continuous, nor infinite, nor homogeneous, nor is it isotropic. But do we know precisely where it breaks, where it bends, where it disconnects and where it gathers? We feel confusedly cracks, hiatuses, points of friction, we sometimes have the vague impression that it gets stuck somewhere, or that it bursts, or that it bangs. We seldom seek to know more and most often we move from one place to another, from one space to another without thinking of measuring, of taking charge, of taking into account these gaps. The problem is not to invent space, even less to reinvent it but to question it, or, even more simply, to read it; because what we call everydayness is not obviousness, but opacity: a form of blindness, a way of anesthesia.”  Species of Space, George Perec

Concept: Pastel de Nasa” hints at the connections and boundaries between cultures. Data from the surface of spinning Portuguese egg tarts provokes alternate readings of tracks from the Nasa space probes Golden Record. Tracks on the golden record are aboard the space craft launched into space in 1977. They include the Chinese classical song Flowing Streams” (流水) performed by Guan Pinghu (管平湖). The songs were chosen to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. Now still gliding through space, the golden record is like a message in a bottle thrown into the cosmic ocean, intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form who may find it.

Courtesy of the artist

location: Macao Contemporary Art Center - Navy Yard No.1