
Witness-You Are the One I Care the Most (2020)
Inkjet print

During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Li Ge, the chairman of the Chinese Photographers Association (CPA) and a senior reporter at the People’s Daily, organized and led a team of photographers from the CPA to Wuhan, the epicenter of the countrywide plague at the time. In the span of 66 days, they photographed over 42,000 frontline “Hubei-aiding” health workers from all over the country. Tens of thousands of these unedited, “angelic” portraits of these selfless individuals, together with the photos of themselves with their patients they hold in their hands, constitute a picture within a picture. Such moment suspends the connections between doctors and patients, between lives, allowing both parties to salvage and experience in these connections the awe of life. This is one of the most precious, paramount visual documents in China’s modern history, which “witnesses” the collective memory of humanity in 2020.

location: Macao Contemporary Art Center - Navy Yard No.1