
Beautiful China (2020)
Blue-and-white porcelain in Tiqing technique
90 x 80 cm

My works were made of the most traditional and typical material of blue-and-white porcelain, using only one shade to describe all sorts of things, presenting them in a pure state. A thousand years of blue-and-white paint only boast four ways: colouring, line drawing, freehand painting and colour blending. On this basis, I invented the technique of “tiqing (carving out the colour of indigo with a knife)” to present the blue-and-white porcelain in a whole new way. The works combine Chinese culture with Western cultures, including the oriental ink painting and angle perspective of the West, poetic mood in Chinese art and realistic structure in Western art. The artist explores the combination of traditional art with modern experimental art. It is very challenging to fire large blue-and-white porcelain pieces. Through a long time of research and practice, I managed to present the mood and effects of the works through a vast area of blue-and-white.

Courtesy of the artist



















location: “Advance and retreat of globalization” MAIN EXHIBITION,Macao Museum of Art