Julio Le Parc (Argentinian, b.1928) is an Argentinian artist best known for his pioneering works of Kinetic Art. Depicting labyrinthine spaces using optical illusions and mirrored surfaces, many of his paintings predate the Op Art movement. In his seminal work Lumière en Vibration (1968), Le Parc projected light through plexiglass sheets in regulated intervals, creating a prism-like space in which light rhythmically pulses.
Born on September 23, 1928 in Mendoza, Argentina, he attended the School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires before moving to Paris in 1958. Le Parc reacted to the expressive approach of Tachisme and CoBra artists like Karel Appel and Jean Dubuffet, by creating a controlled sensorial experience for viewers. In 1960, he carried his research into three dimensions, and introduced movement and light to his work. He then started incorporating moving projected or reflected lights and pulsating lights, and later distorting mirrors and so on. In 1966, Le Parc received the Grand Prize in Painting at the 33rd Venice Biennale. Today, his works are in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Tate Gallery in London, among others.