

Sanctuary, designed by João Ó and Rita Machado is a site-specific outdoor intervention located at the top of the hill, within the defence walls of Mount Fortress, once a historical military centre of Macau is now transformed into a prime location for tourist to get a panoramic view of the city and the mainland area. It is from the weight of the history embedded at this site that this temporary bamboo structure reveals its meaningful strategy, a shaded canopy to protect the passersby from the elements and give peace of mind, rest and contemplation before their departure to the next destination.

Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Supporting organization(s): MGM
Venue(s): Mount Fortress Garden
Opening Hour: 06/06/2019 ~ 25/08/2019
Participating artists:
João Ó
Rita Machado


Praça do Tap Seac, Edif. do Instituto Cultural, Macau
tel | 28366866
fax | 28366899
email | webmaster@icm.gov.mo